Collision risk models (CRMs) estimate the number of bird collisions that are expected to occur at wind farms. These estimates can be used to inform wind farm planning and mitigation of expected effects. For more information, see About CRMs. In 2023, an international working group of scientists and managers was formed to share information about different CRMs, as well as identify research and information needs to further improve CRMs for practical use. This website houses information about the working group, including future meeting plans and meeting summaries. For more information, see International Working Group.
This website also hosts information related to commonly used CRMs. If you would like to request specific information be added to the website, please contact If you would like to support the international CRM working group, please contact If you are interested in participating in the working group, please sign up for future communications using the email sign-up below.

Image credits: Offshore wind farm, Enrique-pixabay; Wind farm, Matthias Böckel-pixabay