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To help estimate collision mortality of seabirds at offshore wind farms, the stochastic collision risk model (sCRM or stochCRM) was published in 2018 with funding from Marine Scotland. It builds from Band (2012) and Masden (2015) to estimate collision risk for resident seabirds in waters of the United Kingdom (UK). Like other Band-derived models, stochCRM requires data on seabird morphology, behavior, and density, as well as wind farm data like turbine number, dimensions, and blade speed. The underlying model code relies on generic biological and wind farm data and can therefore be applied to other marine regions if parameters are appropriate for species and wind farms of interest. In addition, previous code underpinning core calculations for the extended model has been replaced by an alternative approach, resulting in significant gains in computational speed over Masden’s code. This optimization is particularly beneficial in a stochastic context, when core calculations are performed repeatedly during simulations.


The sCRM incorporates a range of improvements over these previous models, including:

  • A user-friendly interface for non-R users, available as an online Shiny app or downloadable Shiny app

  • Incorporation of uncertainty in input parameters and thus into the predicted number of collisions

  • Faster code

  • A user-input parameter for number of turbines

  • Estimates of collision probability at monthly, seasonal, or annual timescales

  • Incorporation of local flight height data at either monthly or seasonal timescales

  • Error checking on user inputs and resulting collision probability


StochCRM resources are available here.

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The stochLAB R package (Caneco et al. 2022) contains an updated version of the code used to implement stochCRM. It is an adaptation of the R code developed by Masden (2015) to incorporate variability and uncertainty in the avian collision risk model originally developed by Band (2012). The package also includes code infrastructure for easier incorporation of new functionality. Overview and installation instructions are available here.

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Migration CRM (mCRM)

The migration collision risk model (mCRM) shiny application is a stochastic adaptation of the Band (2012) migration collision risk worksheet. It contains default values for 70 species of migratory birds as well as polygons that represent their approximate migratory pathways. The mCRM tool does a couple of things:

  • Creates population estimates in wind farms by sampling migratory pathways via straight lines drawn between UK and non-UK coastlines

  • Runs a stochastic version of the migratory collision risk model based on the population estimates and user-input parameters.

The mCRM user guide is available here.

Collision Risk Models for Birds and Wind Energy Development

This website was funded with support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under Cooperative Agreement F24AC01956.


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